Pole Arm
What Weapons did Irish Warriors Use?
Happy St Patrick's Day to all. We thought it would be the perfect day to talk about the types of arms a Medieval Iris...
More tests cutting the head off a pike
Last week we did a little experiment trying to cut an ash haft in half with a two handed sword. You can check out th...
Whats new with the Burgundian Pole Axe?
We wanted to look at some of the new details on our Burgundian Pole Axe and talk a bit about the recent upgrade. This...
Reinforcing Merry Axemas 2022!
Just like the edges on these glistening axes we are reinforcing Merry Axemas with a special price on our Dane Axe wit...
Hows the fair going? 2022 Renaissance Update.
This time of year, a question we hear a lot is - How is the fair going? Being we are heading into the 4th weekend of ...
Throw Javelins this Summer
Now that the warm weather is here its time to make sure you have some great fun for the backyard. If you are of a ce...
New Hardened Viking Spear
Here at Arms and Armor we are always looking for ways to make our products even more awesome. As was suggested in a ...
New Reinforced Edge Type L Danish War Axe
In today's video Nathan introduces our new product, a Type L Danish War Axe with a reinforced, differentially hardene...
New! Dane Axe with Reinforced Edge
Our newest item is a Dane War Axe with a reinforced bit or cutting edge. This feature is seen on many war axes of the...
Hardened Hungarian Axe
Today we look at an update to one of our most popular items, the Hungarian Axe. This handy and deadly axe has been a ...
New Hardened Celtic Spears
When we recreate a weapon from the past there are always decisions and compromises to make regarding which historic e...
What's hot? Sword Buying Trends
One of the interesting things about having been prominent sword makers for over three decades is seeing how the popul...