Axe Spike vs Chain Mail Armor

Today we continue our examination of how medieval weapons designed for armored combat actually interact with armor.  ...

Horseman's Axe Vs. Plate Armor

Testing the new hardened Horseman's Axe against medieval plate armor.

Towton Sword Type XVIIIc

This type XVIIIc longsword is a great example of one of the most important things to know about swords. A good swo...

Custom Wakefield Sword

Today we are going to look at a commission recently finished for a customer that turned out quite nice. This sword is...

Arms and Armor is headed for the Chivalric Fighting Arts Symposium

This weekend Arms and Armor VP Dr. Nathan Clough and James Rielly, noted HEMA instructor and manager of the A&A b...

Hardened Nordland Axe

One of our most popular items has an upgrade for 2022. It still has the classic lines of the original axe excavated i...

Throw Javelins this Summer

Now that the warm weather is here its time to make sure you have some great fun for the backyard. If you are of a ce...

New Crew at Arms & Armor

Many of you know that we've had some turnover in the past year with a couple of long term team members leaving us ...

How much did medieval swords cost?

People are often curious about how much swords cost in the past.  Just as today, there was significant variation in ...

A knightly prize for the Icebreaker Open HEMA tournament

Today we unveil our donation as a prize for the Icebreaker Open tournament in Minneapolis this weekend, 4/29-31 2022....

Why is this sword grip so small?

There are a lot of folks who are puzzled by the relatively short grips on many medieval European swords.  When we pu...

St. George's Day and happy birthday to Shakespeare!

Tomorrow is the 23rd of April, a day that holds two connections to our efforts over the years. First it is the day u...
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