The First Sword

 We are often asked "What was the first sword?" when we are feeling snarky we will talk about the first sword we pers...

Blacksmith vs. Cutler

  Over the last few years there has been a renewed cultural appreciation of the figure of the blacksmith.  Television...

A big thank you to the sword community

Last week we passed our fundraising goal for The Oakeshott Institute, and the week prior to that our production manag...

Is Damascus steel better for swords?

The idea that so-called "Damascus" steel produces superior swords is quite common, but is it true?  To be sure, ther...

Hunting Swords

In the Medieval period the hunt was seen as excellent training for combat and would often involve the use of hand we...

Whiskey and Weapons, The Beginning

Welcome to the inaugural Episode of Whiskey and Weapons! This will be a continuing conversation between Nathan and C...

Support The Oakeshott Institute from Anti-Sword Bias

This week Craig and Nathan talk about the challenges of keeping The Oakeshott Institute running during the plague, a ...

Arms & Armour History Conservation and Analysis

 This volume brings together papers written by curators, conservators and scientists who have worked very closely wit...

The dangers of selling swords in the digital age

As modern sword makers many of the techniques we use to craft historical weapons are similar to those developed by sm...

Reviving the Italian Renaissance Pollaxe?

Today we look at a piece we are thinking of reviving, an Italian pole axe from circa 1600 A.D.

Gaston Phoebus Hunting Knife

In today's post we take a look at a piece that, although it isn't a standard catalogue item, we have made enough time...

Medieval Knives

One of our favorite things to make are medieval style knives. These blades cover a huge variety in style and size and...
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