Virtual presentations for events

One of the most exciting things about working at Arms and Armor is the opportunity to connect with other people who a...

Historical Swords vs Fantasy Swords

...mythology and symbols was a respected field of learning...


The Kriegsmesser (War Knife) or Grosse Messer (Great Knife) of the late medieval period was a weapon of soldiers in t...

What is a Messer?

"Here begins the messer, God, please do not forget us."

15th Century Two Hander

... delivered himselfe so valauntly by his hardy prowes and greate strength, ...

Knightly Pollaxe

...axe-play is honorable and profitable for the preservation of a body noble or non-noble.

German Flail Video Spotlight

one handed weapon for combat on foot or horse

Javelins historical and fun

Great for Battle and the backyard

Flame-bladed swords, why?

What are Flamberge, Flammard, Flambard, and Serpentine blades for?

Top ten weapons to buy with your stimulus check

plus extended discounted shipping!

The Arms & Armor Horseman’s Axe

A single axe can cut down a great tree

The pointy joy of type XV swords

These swords are weapons of war ...
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