Spada da Zogho: A Sword for the Flower of Battle

An interesting aspect of being a sword maker is trying to create swords to fit particular historical uses.  In today'...

Fornovo Sword Spotlight

Our Fornovo Sword is a wonderful singlehanded sword from the last half of the 15th C. It has a classic wheel pommel a...

Grunwald Sword Spotlight

If you ask someone to draw a picture of a medieval sword, they are very likely to draw something similar to this sing...

Montante Trainer Spotlight

The montante was a large two handed sword that became popular in 17th century Spain and Portugal. It was related to ...

An introduction to complex hilted swords: Part 3

Our look at complex hilted swords continues in part 3 as we check out a replica Italian rapier and a 17th C Haudegen....

Irish Axe Spotlight- New Item

...from the axe there is always anxiety. If you think you are free from anxiety, you are not free from an axe.

An introduction to complex hilted swords: Part 2

For the second installment of our exploration of complex-hilted swords we look at two swords from the late 16th and ...

Cloth Armor vs Daggers and Swords

Many aspects of how, exactly, historical armors worked remain unknown.  In today's blog we investigate the protective...

The Sword Guy Podcast - Craig Interview

Two swords that taught me a great deal about swords

Bec de Corbyn Spotlight

In today’s blog we take a look at our Bec de Corbyn, a replica of an original 16th century knightly weapon. We also...

Sword Terms or What are these guys talking about?

Does that word mean what he thinks it means?

Milanese Rapier Spotlight

Our Milanese Rapier is the focus of today's post. This dramatic piece is a great example of the mid 16th Century arms...
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