Scottish Two Handed Sword, or Claymore, Spotlight

Two Handed Swords Of the Highlanders

Gustav Vasa Rapier Spotlight

The Gustav Vasa Rapier from Arms & Armor is an exceptional replica of the sword of a King. Gustav Vasa was king...

Thrusting potential of the Leeds Castle Sword, type XVIIIc

no problem at all thrusting through cloth armor

French Rapier Spotlight

dyuers naughty and insolent persons

Katzbalger Sword and Dagger

The distinct sword of the famous Landesknecht soldiers is called a Katzbalger. Today we look at the Arms & Armor ...

Cutting with short gripped longswords

Tatami Cutting with the English Longsword

A&A English Longsword

This mid 15th C style of sword has a unique hilt form. It is seen in surviving pieces and depictions in art and is mo...

Digital Renaissance Fair and Event for 2020

Lets face it, 2020 sucks. All of the events and shows we had planned for this year have been canceled and we miss all...

Should I get rings on my feder?

Should a practice sword have rings on the gaurd?

What is a Parrying Dagger?

a common feature on parrying daggers is a side ring

Prototype Type XVIIIc

New sword on the way!
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