Duke of Urbino Sword Spotlight

A classic Type XV

Tangs on Medieval Swords

The truth about tangs, and how they varied.

14th Century Dagger Spotlight

A combat dagger for a medieval man-at-arms

What does it mean to peen? Historical methods of closing swords.

A common topic of debate among sword aficionados on the internet is which swords are peened, and how this is done. So...

1580 Parrying Dagger Spotlight

Late 16th C Dagger molded from an original.

How did Vikings name their swords?

The Vikings and related people used kennings to poetically name and describe their weapons.

The new Celtic Spear from Arms and Armor

Our Celtic Spear is a new item available via our website. Although we have made a few of them over the years, we've ...

The best books to understand Medieval Swords

Must have research for the study of the sword.

Scottish Two Handed Sword, or Claymore, Spotlight

Two Handed Swords Of the Highlanders

Weapons used at the Battle of Hastings

The Battle of Hastings is one of the famous turning points of history. While we have no documented artifacts of the ...

How to use an Italian Pole Hammer

In today's blog we examine some of the guards and strikes that were common to pole hammers and axes in the fourteenth...

How many styles of Rapier are there?

Why yes, that is a rapier
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