Leeds Castle Sword Winner

Winner of the Leeds Castle Sword is ...

Myths about swords from expert sources

As makers of high quality and historically accurate reproductions of medieval swords we need to understand swords bo...

How thin were medieval swords?

Many swords were thinner and more flexible than is commonly thought.

Gustav Vasa Rapier Spotlight

The Gustav Vasa Rapier from Arms & Armor is an exceptional replica of the sword of a King. Gustav Vasa was king...

Three books you must read to understand polearms

One of the great things about the last decade is the widespread availability of authoritative books detailing how to ...

Thrusting potential of the Leeds Castle Sword, type XVIIIc

no problem at all thrusting through cloth armor

French Rapier Spotlight

dyuers naughty and insolent persons

German Branch Sword

The hilt of this elegant longsword is formed in the writhen, or twisted, style

Katzbalger Sword and Dagger

The distinct sword of the famous Landesknecht soldiers is called a Katzbalger. Today we look at the Arms & Armor ...

Cutting with short gripped longswords

Tatami Cutting with the English Longsword
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