Medieval Wound Men for Halloween

Wound Men - Wound Pumpkin!

Pumpkin Destruction Contest

Squash the Squash!

"Unless you've read your Agrippa"...Bringing swords and original fight books to the people

Achille Marozzo, Domenico Angelo and Camillo Agrippa

Rondel Daggers

one of the most popular weapons of the late Middle Ages

Product Spotlight: Towton Sword

... a great example of one of the most important things to know about swords.

Special Offers!

One of a kind items!

"Sword Like Objects" part 2

How we approach making a sword.

"Sword Like Objects", or SLO's.

The challenge of translating SLO's into reality.

Product Spotlight: The Black Prince Sword - Part 2

A sword near and dear to our hearts!

Product Spotlight: The Black Prince Sword - Part 1

The sword is the epitome of a type XVa longsword with its sharply tapered point

How to maintain your sword

   THE CARE AND FEEDING OF YOUR WEAPON     The weapons crafted for you by Arms & Armor have all the characteristi...
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