News and Blogs
15th Century Two Hander
... delivered himselfe so valauntly by his hardy prowes and greate strength, ...
Longswords vs Two Handed Swords
The distinction between two-handed swords and longswords can be confusing, and the deeper you delve into marginal cas...
What is a claymore?
The word "claymore" is derived from the Gaelic "claidheam hmor", meaning "great or broad sword." When exactly this te...
How do you research a sword? Part 1
Our love of these objects is one of our main motivations to produce replica swords.
Knightly Pollaxe
...axe-play is honorable and profitable for the preservation of a body noble or non-noble.
What is the best steel for swords? Part 1.
Today's post is the first in a multi-part examination of "the best" steel for swords. To cut to the punchline, the an...