What is a Messer?

"Here begins the messer, God, please do not forget us."

15th Century Two Hander

... delivered himselfe so valauntly by his hardy prowes and greate strength, ...

Longswords vs Two Handed Swords

The distinction between two-handed swords and longswords can be confusing, and the deeper you delve into marginal cas...

What is a claymore?

The word "claymore" is derived from the Gaelic "claidheam hmor", meaning "great or broad sword." When exactly this te...

How do you research a sword? Part 1

Our love of these objects is one of our main motivations to produce replica swords.

The Italian Bill or Roncone

Agricultural implements ... transformed into weapons of war.

What is a Parrying Dagger?

a common feature on parrying daggers is a side ring

Knightly Pollaxe

...axe-play is honorable and profitable for the preservation of a body noble or non-noble.

Sword in Hand

A Brief Survey Of The Knightly Sword

What is the best steel for swords? Part 1.

Today's post is the first in a multi-part examination of "the best" steel for swords. To cut to the punchline, the an...

German Flail Video Spotlight

one handed weapon for combat on foot or horse

What are langets on a polearm for?

Practical and the myth
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