One Holiday Longsword Left!

We have just one of our holiday special longswords left! So we decided to discount it even more! So whoever has been...

Training Swords From Different Times

Today we take a look at three different training swords from the 14th, 15th, and 16th centuries.  We compare a replic...

Longsword for Christmas? Discount?

We have three of our special one of longswords left. They have been crafted to be excellent cutters and feel great i...

Merry Axemass and Happy New Spear 2023!

Merry Axemass  and Happy New Spear to all! It's that time of year when all are hoping they are on the nice list and ...

A&A Black Prince Friday!!

We hope all of you had a wonderful Thanksgiving or at least a nice Thursday off! As a way to bring some of the commer...

Historical Feders vs Modern Feders

Today Nathan and Craig are joined by famed Western martial artist and Arms and Armor customer, Jess Finley to discuss...

Our research partnerships and initiatives

Here at Arms and Armor we have been pioneers in researching historical swords and other weapons for decades.  Indeed,...

Spear meant for the holidays!

Every year we catch ourselves realizing there is not that much time till the gift giving season is upon us like an in...

Uncovering the Details of our French Rapier

Our French Rapier is one of our most popular rapiers and a true sculpture in steel. The guard is a classic form of a...

2023 Pumpkin Destruction Awards

2023 has again brought out some really great submissions to the Pumpkin Destruction contest!  All of the entries wer...

Characteristics of a high-end rapier

Today we take an in-depth look at two historical rapiers from the Oakeshott Institute Collection and compare them to ...

Experimenting with the impact of Medieval quenching recipes on steel hardness

On Oct 25th The Oakeshott Institute live cast their latest quarterly lecture on researching involving the Institute, ...
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