Experimenting with the impact of Medieval quenching recipes on steel hardness

On Oct 25th The Oakeshott Institute live cast their latest quarterly lecture on researching involving the Institute, ...

Learning about history from medieval reenactment

Today we share some ideas about how medieval reenactment events can inform and contribute to our understanding of his...

An update for our customers

Hello friends.  We are taking the opportunity today to update our customers and fans on some changes at Arms and Armo...

Medieval Sword Crafting Research

As modern day sword makers we could just make pieces that look right and call it good. But, one of our strengths and ...

How did you start making swords?

Looking back through the flow of life that led me to being a sword maker for the last four decades, I blame one fello...

Show us your Arms and Armor shirt!

Our new T-shirts have started to hit folk's mailboxes and we are excited to see how you look in your Arms and Armor +...

Pumpkin destruction 2023! Unleash the Spice!

Alert, Alert, Alert! Our lookouts have signaled. The orange Gordian hoard is on the move! Interlopers have been spot...

The Hotspur, a custom type XVIII longsword

Today we take a look at another custom piece from Arms and Armor.  This is a wide bladed type XVIII longsword modeled...

A custom German war sword

Today we take a look at a custom piece we've just completed, a large German war sword.  You can see some of our custo...

A custom 16th century training side-sword

Today we take a close look at a custom training sword made in the Ventian style for practicing the European martial a...

A custom 16th century training side-sword

Today we take a close look at a custom training sword made in the Venetian style for practicing the European martial ...

What is a partisan?

Today we take a look at an original early 16th century partisan, a type of elite pole-arm from the late medieval and ...
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